Your Voice Matters

Act Now

Click HERE to share your support for allowing a local dispensary in Long Beach.

The bottom line is cannabis is here; it is already in our community.
It is legal to consume and adult-use dispensaries are slated to open later this year in neighboring towns.

Long Beach has an opportunity to opt in now and ensure we have a cannabis dispensary within our borders so we can benefit from the increased tax revenue. Continuing to opt out will NOT keep cannabis out of Long Beach; it will only preclude Long Beach from collecting much-needed tax revenue.

City Council is listening and they are poised to act!
But they need to hear from you!
Click HERE to send a letter of support to City Hall. 

A local dispensary is good for Long Beach.
It will make Long Beach safer and add more than $6M in tax revenue to the City's bottom line over the next 5 years.