Summer Friday with Verena von Pfetten

For Poplar's Summer Friday, we talk with Verena Von Pfetten, co-founder of Gossamer, a lifestyle brand, platform, and biannual print publication that looks at the world—travel, design, beauty, art, culture, food, and conscious consumerism—through a green lens!

Books on your summer reading bookshelf?
The Cazalet Chronicles (Books 1-5)
Mexican Gothic, Luster
The Vices

Songs on you Summer soundtrack?
The entirety of Saint Cloud by Waxahatchee, Women in Music Pt. III by Haim, Dinner by Kacy Hill, On The Floor by Perfume Genius

Favorite Anti-Racist Resources?
White Supremacy and Me by Layla Saad and both The Case for Reparations and Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. I also think Ziwe Fumudoh, through her Instagram Live show, hosts some of the sharpest, smartest, and funniest conversations on this topic I've ever seen.

What has anti-racism work looked like you?
A continuous and rigorous amount of self-interrogation and education. Curiosity, openness, and empathy: a genuine interest and willingness to listen and learn from other people's experiences. And a lot of putting my money and work where my mouth is. We built Gossamer to actively engage with the historical and ongoing injustice and inequality built around cannabis—to offer our platform to share the stories of others, to structure our revenue models and services to support organizations dedicated to social and restorative justice. And the reminder that there is always more I could be doing, both personally and professionally.

When not social distancing, favorite summer travel destination?
Wellfleet, Cape Cod; Whistler, B.C. to visit my home and family.

Your go-to summer recipe?

Tejal Rao's Kale Sauce pasta!

Go-to Summer cocktail/mocktail?
Oh, god. Everything?? My live-in partner is a real beverage aficionado, so I'm spoiled with fancy bar-quality cocktails. But, even as someone who truly loves their alcohol, I am newly obsessed with Ghia! Bitter and bracing and utterly delicious. It really does scratch the "drink" itch in a way that no other alcohol-free beverage I've tried does.

Summer beauty/skincare essentials?
Mineral's Hydrate Oil, BeautyStat's Vitamin C, Superflower's Serum, Cerave Moisturizer, Purito Centella Sunscreen.

Your favorite summer routine/ritual?
Anything by Mineral, Tonic's Chronic Roll-On, Barbari Herbal Blend

Summer Cannabis Rituals:
Truly: so many. A Calm mint by Kikoko on mornings when I wake up feeling particularly stressed or anxious. A few hits of a Weekender Chill pre-roll post-work, or their Play pre-roll on a Saturday morning. Getting myself dazzlingly stoned and going for a wander around my neighborhood with some tunes on full blast in my headphones.

Thing you’re missing most in this post-COVID summer?
Marathon-esque and truly indulgent beach days. The kind that start early, leave the beach at Dusk, and end up in the backyard of Brooklyn Ice House for hot dogs, tequila shots, and Tecates with my favorite people.

Thing surprising you most about this post-COVID summer?
How much exercising I'm doing?? Turns out it's a great way to kill time. :(

Favorite summer activity to get your heart rate up?
A morning run. (And by run, I mean a very, very slow jog.) (I hate running.)

To learn more about Gossamer check out their website or follow them at @gossamer on IG.

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