WTF is Wellness with Nicholas Pratley

We are super excited to share our next installment of WTF is Wellness. This time showcasing a dynamic leader in the wellness, transformation, health and fitness arena for nearly 20 years, Nicholas Pratley.

Nicholas Pratley is a Breathwork Expert, Energy Therapy Practitioner, Life Coach and all around Wellness Expert. He offers award winning classes, specialized workshops and retreats, that attract all walks of life who are looking for personal fulfillment.

"When we are in relationship with our energy, we are in relationship with everything. There is energy behind every word, every action, every state of being. Listening to our energy and learning to understand it allows us to navigate life in a fulfilling way. This is a home for people everywhere to experience wellness in its deepest form: through their own energy. This is where they can viscerally connect to the power within themselves. Our products and experiences offer this, allowing people to enjoy a dynamic lifestyle of wholeness, nourishment and freedom mentally, emotionally, and physically."

WTF Does “wellness” mean to you?

Wellness is about listening to the whole. Listening in a whole-istic way that allows all parts of ourselves to be heard. When we approach our wellness lifestyle in this way we bring ourselves into connection, wholeness and optimal wellness physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Our culture teaches to treat the symptoms. We have an entire health care system that encourages us to not listen to self, and mostly treat just the symptoms. If we can slow down and listen to what our energy is really saying, we reclaim power and true wellness. This understanding will redefine how we care for our health and how we experience wellness.

How did you discover meditation?

I discovered meditation as a young man dealing with severe anxiety. I explored the ancient art of qigong, which translates to the mastery of energy - it's a moving meditation used to clear and open energy pathways, so when you come into a seated meditation, your experience is deeper. It changed my life and I've never looked back.

What is a false assumption about meditation that irks you?

I'd love people to understand that meditation is an act of self care and love. And acts of self care and love are not a luxury but a necessity. Science proves that the more we do something, good or bad, the stronger the muscle gets. And so as we train the muscle of self care and love we begin to develop a new relationship with ourselves that has some powerful side effects such as reduced stress, more joy, focus, creativity, less reactive and more engaged with what truly matters.
Also meditation is not about making the mind go completely still. If you did, you'd be dead. Lol. It's about slowing down and creating more space for you to feel, experience more of YOU. It's a magical journey back to where you're asking to be!

Books on your holiday reading bookshelf?

Becoming Supernatural by Dr Joe Dispenza Discovering your Soul Signature by Penache Desai

Songs on your Holiday soundtrack? For what season?

The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole for Christmas

Your go-to holiday recipe? Beverage or food – your choice!

Chilled, Mulled Elderflower Wine by Olive Magazine

Now – your holiday well-being ritual…. If you had the day (or the morning) to yourself – what would it look like?

I looooove sleeping in and waking up naturally. No alarm, no technology. I'd shower, then make my mud water and go for a walk in nature. Then I'd come home, meditate and read a book. I'm obsessed with starting and ending my meditations with a spray of magic. I don't always have time to read a book and it feels like such a luxury to me. After that I'm sure I'd be ready for lunch with a friend perhaps, and let the rest of the day and heart take me wherever. Planning to be totally unplanned. The best. I of course wellness travels with me always, right now I'm loving this little bottle of magic.

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