WTF is Wellness with Quim Founder Cyo

The Basics 
Name: Cyo Ray Nystrom
Instagram: @its.quim
Profession: Founder of Quim
Neighborhood you currently call home: Inner Richmond, San Francisco
Originally from: Inner Richmond, San Francisco 

Fun Facts - Speed Round :) 
Yoga or Cardio - Cardio
Workout Buddy or Solo - Workout Buddy
Heels or sneakers - Heels 
Beach or pool - Beach
Tap Water or Bottled - Tap Water
Night out Dancing or a Long Dinner - Night out Dancing 
Ski Vacation or Beach Vacation - Beach Vacation 
An all-expense paid trip to SF, LA, Portland, or NYC - NYC
CBD, THC, or both - Both 
Edible or Flower - Flower 

Question: Tell us about founding Quim - what was your aha moment and what is your mission?Answer: I struggled for years in a cycle of UTI-yeast infection-UTI, and couldn’t find the proactive vaginal health solutions I needed. So I did some research (aka putting different concoctions in/around my vag) and started making my own! As the Head of Sales at Meadow, I gained invaluable insight into the cannabis industry, working closely with the regulations and forming important relationships with the cannabis community. I quickly saw that the need and desire for cannabis-based vaginal health products were there, and knew this was a product we had to bring to the masses. Rachel (my co-founder) and I joined forces to bring our home-creations to the community around us, and it’s all been a journey from there!

Question: WTF does wellness mean to you? And what role, if any does cannabis play in “wellness”? 
Answer: For me, wellness is about taking care of my self; my mind, my body, my soul, my finances. Cannabis plays a pivotal role in helping me manage my anxiety and ADD, improving my sex life, and helping me laugh which is probably my fave medicine.

Question: Aside from being a female founder, what is your super power? (Don’t be shy.)
I'm really good at knowing what I want and am not squeamish about asking for it. Its always ok to ask and its also always ok for people to say no. 

Question: If the universe could wave a magic wand and grant you something that would help your business, what would it be? And how does it help! We are super into manifesting :)
Answer: I would love to close our Series A and hire 3 new amazing humans to help grow the vaginal health and sexual wellness revolution!

Question: Now drop some knowledge - if you could give other women advise on starting a business, what would it be? Can be cannabis-related or industry agnostic. 
Your health (physical, mental, spiritual, etc) is critical to the success of your business. When your stressed or overwhelmed, especially when you're stressed or overwhelmed, take a 10-minute walk or coffee break away from your computer and phone. I'm willing to bet 1 million doll hairs that you'll feel a lil better and more clear-headed when you return.


THB my quarantine sitch is pretty ideal— I'm holed up in Aspen at my friend's place with her, her mom, and my fiancé. There's plenty of space, gorg views, a hot tub, and plenty of ganja. I feel pretty guilty about it when facetiming with my friends under shelter in place in SF.
As for my survival tactics, here are a few things that've been helping keep me somewhat sane:
- 1 hour of exercise a day (a walk, remote pilates class, dancing in my underwear)
- not drinking wine until AFTER 5pm
- trivia! I'm trying to memorize all American Presidents in chronological order and it's actually very fun. I've made it to Grover Cleaveland so far so wish me luck!
- remote happy hour from 5-7pm where I just facetime friends and family members to check-in and share a remote cocktail or joint
Sending lots of luv and chill vibes!!

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